Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fringe Sprint Now Contest

Fox is running a "Fringe Now" contest where you can enter for your chance to win a Sprint EVO 4G Phone with 3 months of service, and a trip for 2 to Vancouver to view the filming of a top secret episode of Fringe, plus meet the cast and crew!

Despite what the announcer says, the correct address to enter the contest is

You must be a US resident, and you can enter once a day until February 28, 2011 at 10:00 am PT.

Good luck!

P.S. if you win and you need someone to take with you, let me know :)


  1. I hate that Fox never let people for around the world participed on this contests :( We are fans like everybody :(

  2. I knew I wasn't crazy when I heard the address they said then couldn't find it!


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