Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fringe Now: Alternate Universe Articles - Chunnel

The Fox "Fringe Now" website has a new "Alternate Universe Article", which shows a news article from the Red universe, on one of those ubiquitous iPad-type devices.

The article is titled "Chunnel - The British and Belgian governments unveil plans for a Chunnel.":
The British and Belgian governments unveil plans for a "Chunnel" connecting the two countries beneath the North Sea. The announcement follows the collapse of British negotiation with France in late 2009. The with stretch over 115 km and connect Ramsgate, England and Ostende, Belgium.
For comparison, the chunnel in our universe connecting the UK and France is 50 km. 

Also, it's nice to see there are typos in the other 'verse. 


  1. Why do American's insist on calling it the "Chunnel"?

    Not all words need to be combined into one ridiculous sounding one.

  2. What typo are you seeing? *scratches head*

  3. "The tunnel with stretch over 115km ..."

    I assume that should read:

    "The tunnel will stretch over 115km ..."


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