Monday, February 21, 2011

Fringe New Promo

Here's a new promo thanks to


  1. I hope they aren't trying to backtrack on what we already know. And that other promo of Peter and Olivia knowing each other when they were children and Walter hooking them up? THAT IS JUST SO WRONG!

    Matthew from the Fringe

  2. Um, there's nothing "backtracking" about it. We already know that Peter and Olivia have huge memory gaps (Peter doesn't remember his illness or being stolen, and Olivia doesn't remember the cortexiphan trials). They very easily could have met as children and their memories were erased.

  3. Wow! That's quite the promo.
    Poor Peter! Should be an interesting episode.

  4. Walter sends Olivia to the other side to bring Peter back because he knows Peter has this puppy love thing going for her. She obviously succeeds, and will again. He then wisks both of them away to William Bell, who preps them for surgery and removes part of their brains. It's probably what prompted Walter to get his brain done too.

  5. This is such an excellent show. Why there should even be a whiff of cancellation talk is beyond me. Come on, people, the episodes just keep looking better and better!

  6. I agree with Stephanie! This show borders on great Science Fiction.So much better than Lost.I am a new fan,and have not yet suffered from not watching for the previous seasons{but thank the universe for Net Flix} How do we insure many more seasons?


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