Thursday, February 17, 2011

FRINGE - Fauxlivia is expecting!

"Olivia is not infected, she's pregnant"

Fox has a new video "Expecting" featuring interviews with Anna Torv (Olivia Dunham) and Jasika Nicole (Astrid Farnsworth) discussing the pregnancy of Fauxlivia on Fringe.


  1. Astrid wants some Peter action too!
    We all do, Astrid. Wait in line.

  2. You know, I love how UNBIASED the actors are and look at the bigger picture unlike some people who only think that this baby is just to hurt Olivia even more. They don't think about the baby, the son or daughter who has to grow up in a whole other universe just to find out that his FATHER is in a whole other universe. Nobody ever thinks about how this baby will think, like jasika said, that his father will not love him.

    Thanks to Anna and Jasika who has a MATURE stand on this big bombshell unlike the immature folks on other Fringe boards.


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