Friday, February 4, 2011

Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in Concentrate and Ask Again

The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode Concentrate and Ask Again spelled out HATCH.

For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.


  1. Hahahahaha, it says hatch? Really? *too much of a Lost fangirl*

  2. maybe over there humans lay eggs because they evolved slightly differently and that's also what distinguishes the two worlds or divides their histories, what if...

  3. maybe desmond's mother is Fauxlivia/Peter... dun dun dun

  4. hatch has to do with olive coming out of her shell and being honest with peter and not being so closed off and protective of her feelings.


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