Friday, February 25, 2011

Fringe 316 Preview: Os

Preview for the Fringe episode "Os" , which airs in two weeks on FRIDAY, March 11th at 9:00PM on FOX.

Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.

Screenshots of the video are available at


  1. Great Preview! Shows off how funny Walter is and hopefully will entice more viewers.

  2. the funny part:
    - Belly?
    - No Walter, still me!
    kkkkk!!!! ;D

    ...and the sad: TWO WEEKS!!! oh no, is a long long long time to wait :(

  3. I'm so glad Leonard Nimoy is so ambiguous about retirement. He was the reason I first tuned into Fringe. I was a Spockette, so any opportunity to see him breathe life into a new character is exciting. Such a pro.


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