Friday, February 18, 2011

Fringe 315 Preview: Subject 13

Preview for the Fringe episode "Subject 13" , which airs FRIDAY, February 25th at 9:00PM on FOX.

Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.

Screenshots of the video are available at


  1. Fringe is becoming such a cheese fest.

  2. ^ Looks like we don't have a True Fan, just a wannabe.
    Fringe is and was Always awesome. And Subject 13 looks to extend that even more!
    HOLY that Preview is so good.

  3. Gahhh! I can't WAIT! It looks like they did a great job casting, especially young Olivia.

  4. Por favor agregar subtitulos en espaƱol. Gracias.

  5. There are not many TV shows which tell stories with the assumption that the viewer is an intelligent and thoughtful observer. Alias, Lost and now Fringe. Loving this show!

  6. Loved alias too, JJ Abrams is awesome :)
    the voice of "young Olivia" sounds just like "oldivia's" great job casting!

  7. I'm going to be majorly peeved if it turns out that "true love across the universes will save them both" - hollywood puke.

  8. looks awesome,is the young oliva played by ally form everybody loves raymond


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