Monday, February 7, 2011

3x13 "Immortality" Sneak Peek and Scenemaker

Fox has just released the scenemaker and sneek peek video for this week's episode.


  1. "Spontaneous bug eruption....." Oh dear.

  2. For me an episode about Fauxlivia is too much to take, it means no episode to watch this week, please bring Fringe back to life, what happened to the great caracters that surrounded the weird cases, I don't know why the writers are heading this show straight in a wall, and finally be surprised when it gets cancelled !

  3. Why are they making an episode about the other universe! I agree with the other comments, i dont want to watch an episode about fauxolivia, to hell with her, we don´t care!

  4. I can't wait to go over there again, I miss Alstrid and Walternate and would like to get to know real Alivia. Also we have some unresolved matters over there (how are they coping with Broyles missing, their Cortexiphan experiments, etc.) and I would like to know a bit more about questions like "What/How much do they know about the machine?", "What's up with the piece Alivia stole?", etc.
    I think it will be nice to take a small vacation from all the Overhere angst.

  5. I'm 100% with Monika. Sick of the sky is falling people whining.

  6. I agree with Pato, who cares about Slutivia really ? I like the team overthere, and I don't think fauxlivia deserves to be a part of it, she is such a cliche of the evil temptress, I just hope that on top of that she won't become Wombivia !


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