Friday, December 10, 2010

Fringe Easter Eggs: Observer in Marionette

The Observer can be spotted in plain sight, at the end of the episode, just outside of Peggy's Malt Shop.

You can see all of The Observer's other appearances here.


  1. I can't wait for the next episode! It's gonna be great, because it contains more Observers! :D

  2. When the screen first went past the Observer's silhouette, I thought"Yes! I finally see him!" But 2 seconds later I realized there was a reason I'd have to have been blind NOT to see him.
    Oh well, at least I can count on seeing him/them next episode:)


  3. I think based on what the observer was saying on the phone we were initially lead to believe that they are targeting/observing Walter, but I think he was actually talking about Peter. Hopefully they're just trying to protect him from activating the Vacuum instead of killing him to restore balance or whatever it is they truly do.

  4. I wonder if this move to Friday is going to be the 1st step toward Fringe's extinction. Isn't thurs usually the best prime-time night? Why the move to Fri?


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