Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Fox Broadcasting Video from 304:Peter and Bolivia

Fox Broadcasting posted this new video recently on their YouTube channel, entitled "Peter and Bolivia," in which leading lady, Anna Torv comments on the ending scene of the episode.


  1. Great show! This is one of the most creative, intelligent shows on the air. This particular episode was fantastic.

    I heard a strange rumor in an article dated today that Fringe is in danger of being canceled. I hope that is not the case. This is a FANTASTIC show!

  2. Oh Peter!

    I know they are gonna get through this cause I have total faith in them, but boy it hurts to see/hear it :(

    I seriously can't wit for Liv to come back and kick some ass!!

  3. I hope that Peter is being careful!!! She may be taking a little bun in the oven back with her when she is done on this side.


  5. I agree. An accidently on purpose pregnancy could be exactly what Walternate had planned for Bolivia (I really hate that name). Peter would be torn between his love for Olivia and Walter in this universe and his obligation to his own universe that would have his child. Imagine how Grampa Walternate could capitalize on that.


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