Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday John Noble!

Happy Birthday to John Noble (Dr. Walter Bishop), who turns 61 today!

You can leave your own birthday wish for John in the comments.


  1. Seems that Gene-the-cow is kosher. They put Gene in a yamika.

  2. I hope you had an excelente birthday John!!! A big hugg to you :)

    From Azores in Portugal

  3. Tou're born on the same day as my mate! You cool Kid! I think you're awesome dude :) <3 Polivia forever dude :D <3 <3

  4. hey john happy birthday you are the best actor of fringe i love you´re character and i´m willing to see what will dr. bishop will have for us in the second season, big hug from venezuela!

  5. John, you are the king of Fringe and a wonderful actor. Happy belated birthday. I so love how you portray Walter Bishop. You give the character such emotional depth and humor. Bravo !!!


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