Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Would You Ask: The Comic-Con Cast?

Guess what? Our friend Mandy over at Josh-Jackson.net is headed to San Diego this week for the Comic-Con, where she'll hopefully get to interview Josh Jackson, Anna Torv, and John Noble.

Mandy wants some good questions, so let's hear 'em!


  1. I would love to have Mandy ask Josh, John, and Anna about the Peter/Olivia/Walter triangle and how they think that may change in Season 2 due to Olivia's reactions to Walter's involvement in the cortexiphan trials.

  2. Will Peter's role in the alternate reality be revealed?

  3. For John: Do you get to ad-lib any of your crazy Walter-isms? Do you think Walter will come to face his past mistakes with his experiments?

    For Josh: Do you think Peter will learn about how he is from a different universe, and if so how will it affect him? Can you tell us anything about how Peter has all these strange connections to shady people?

    For Anna: What aspects of playing Olivia do you enjoy most?

    For All: What was your favorite episode of the first season to film? Is Gene the Cow friendly? Are you confident Fringe Season 2 can keep up the excitement?

  4. I have a couple of questions:

    1. With the show having huge competition this season, what is the show/cast doing to meet this challenge?

    2. Loved all the fight scenes that Anna did in season 1. Will this continue this season and is it likely that Peter will get some of this action or will he still give only sideline support?

    3. Lastly, leading on from that. To do the fight scenes does Anna get any special training and if so what? With so many fit and ripped bodies on TV these days, how do the actors stay in shape and how do they cope with the pressure of acting as well as needing to look good?

  5. I just have to questions:

    There for all of them

    ''Do you like it better in Vancouver?''

    John: Do you think you'll win an Emmy?

  6. John: Keep up the good work and you'll get that Emmy nom next year!

  7. While at Comic-Con, is Josh there only for his panel discussion and autograph signing or does he have the time (and interest) in checking out some of the other displays etc.?


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