Saturday, May 16, 2009

Page 3.14

Here is a round up of stories that just didn’t make the FringeTelevision front page, or what we like to call…. Page 3.14!


  1. I shall surely miss Jared Harris as the nefarious David Robert Jones on Fringe :(

  2. Thanks for finding this and sharing this. I'm glad he's getting so much work.

    I still hope they bring David Robert Jones back.

  3. They have to, he's one of the best villains on TV.

  4. So sad to see 'Jones' leave Fringe, but can't wait to see how HOT Jared Harris is going to be on Mad Men (another fave!).

  5. It's only a recurring role on Mad Men, so maybe he can still be on Fringe.

  6. Yeah, he could still be on Fringe, like an alternate-Jones or something, maybe?
    I hope so, cause Jones, along with Sylar (Heroes) and Ben Linus (Lost) are the best not-entirely-good people on TV lol :D
    In my opinion :)


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