Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fringe Improv Comedy

In a strange bit of viral marketing, Fox has been "sponsoring" various filmmakers on YouTube to create funny Fringe videos.

The latest is by POYKPAC, a Brooklyn-based comedy quintet, entitled "Fringe Comedy: Episode 1". Hopefully this means there will be more to come.


  1. Did you see the Observer out the window behind the guy with the beard and the glasses?

    Seriously, where is the comedy??? I don't find anything funny in this clip!

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  3. Yeah lol i thought it was funny :)
    The Observer thing was nice aswell

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You, know, it's not that funny. These guys are trying to hard to be Ryan Styles. It's really poorly done.

  6. I love the way he says "Not really, alternate realities are seriously overrated" with his "psh, been there, done that" attitude. Haha.

    "You've discovered a method of transdimensional penetration!"
    "That's gross."

    Love it!


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