Thursday, February 12, 2009

Will WB Move Fringe Filiming To Canada?

Crain's New York Business is reporting that there may be trouble up ahead for Fringe. Due to the recent financial turmoil, the tax incentives offered for filming in NY have dried up. Legislators in Albany are uncertain whether they will renew the fund, leaving production companies already filming in NY in a bind.

“We are trying to make sure that Albany understands the severity of the situation,” said Alan Suna, president of Silvercup Studios in Long Island City, Queens. “These jobs are going to be eviscerated from the New York economy with no replacements.”

While Fringe is shown on FOX in the US, and based in Boston, it is produced by Warner Bros in NY. The WB has stated that they will not stay in NY without the tax breaks. This could mean that the show will move back to Canada, where the pilot was filmed. In fact the producers of Fringe are already scouting stage space in Toronto and drawing up budgets to start shooting there.

According to my inside source, Toronto is where TV shows go to die, and by moving the show to Canada to save money, it will also allow the WB to fire 220 US crew members.

Film workers have started a petition to fund the incentive program. In just two days, more than 6,000 signatures have been collected. Please sign your name to show your support. You may also contact the NY officials directly:

NY Governor
David A. Patterson
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
Phone: (518) 474-8390
Click here to email the Governor

Speaker of the New York State Assembly
Sheldon Silver
250 Broadway
Suite 2307
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 312-1420
Fax: (212) 312-1425
Click here to email Assembly member Silver.

New York State Senator Majority Leader
Malcolm A. Smith
250 Broadway, Suite 1930
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 298-5585
Fax: (212) 298-5605


  1. Keep it in NY!! US needs jobs!


    i dont want it to "die" but it would be cool to come to T-Dot i could see them film it, or be an extra which would be cool

  3. last I checked... this wasnt a laughing matter

  4. Thank you SO MUCH for posting this, I have friends in nyc that are affected by this (including 1 on "Fringe"). I wish Albany could see what a vibrant industry tv & film creates...bah. Sign, sign, sign!

  5. Unfortunately, before I even got to the part about Toronto -------- my first thought was "They'll move to Vancouver." But if they have to move, Toronoto would make sense considering they need a big city.

    What is NY doing? They can't get all their money from tourist parking tickets!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi people,

    perhaps you haven't heard about it. In German starts an ARG to Fringe.

    Check it out in Unfiction
    and in my blog

  8. Really? I thought something was up. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but for me the career page is blank on the MD site for several days now.

  9. That site was strange. Is this the real thing?

  10. Yes, I suppose, the website is OK. It's registered by Pro7 and Sat1, these are two german TV-Channels. Fringe will be shown by Pro7 in March. The countdown of the website is counting till show start.

    Now we are waiting for a responce by Allizee Zeva, this ominous person.

    Btw, MassiveDynamic Career site is blank in IE, in Firedox I can see the contents.

  11. You're welcome :-)
    Btw we could decode the barcode by this weird Allizee. It say tomorrow will come some updates. I can't wait for it.

  12. yeah ppl hating on us Canadians, the pilot episode was shot in T.O and i didnt even realize it, i dont think it will die if it comes here. i couldnt careless were its filmed as long as its being filmed and put on the air in a language i can understand its all O.K

  13. I'm wondering about this German thing. Some of the story line for Fringe takes place in Germany with several references to people and places there.I know it's set to premiere in Germany,but could this be set of clues coming our way? Perhaps similar to last summer with the imagine site and the Iowa info? Thanks Der Mez for bringing this to our attention.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Sorry for the second post.I just got the thing on the barcode.

  16. this is about americans loosing jobs they need. not ARG. great the pilot was shot in canada. but WB is an american company. we americans need JOBS... they started shooting in NY, they should stick here.

  17. I signed the petiton a few days ago. Hope your job stays in NY anon.

  18. yeah, this isn't about Canada vs. US... it's about how so many people will be out of jobs and how NY's economy will take another blow.

  19. Joe, this website is not anti-Canadian. That's ridiculous! I would much rather the show move to Canada, then say India or China.

    But where the show is shot is not as big of a deal as the issue of the studio firing hundreds of people that already work on the show, plus having to relocate everyone that stays. Then there's the potential problem of stars not wanting to move from New York. Would anyone be happy if the show moved to Canada, but we lost Lance Reddick, or Kirk Acevedo, or Jasika Nicole, etc?

    IMO, if they have to move the show for financial reasons, they should try Boston (where the show is supposedly set). I hear they still have tax breaks for filming there...

  20. boston doesnt have the structure for film.
    no labs..cameras...lights...all have to be brought in. no way thats cheaper then NY...even with a credit

  21. They are moving it to Vancouver. Its official.

  22. Rachel, how do you know? Do you have a link to a news story?


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