Monday, January 26, 2009

Fringe at NY Comic Con 2009

FRINGE will be making an appearance at the NY Comic Con on Sunday, February 8th at 1:45 PM. The event will feature "a Q&A with cast and producers, and an exclusive video presentation created specifically for the NYCC audience."

Scheduled to appear at the show will be FRINGE executive producer Jeff Pinkner, and cast members Anna Torv ("Olivia Dunham"), John Noble ("Dr. Walter Bishop"), Lance Reddick ("Phillip Broyles"), Kirk Acevedo ("Charlie Francis"), Blair Brown ("Nina Sharp") and Jasika Nicole ("Astrid Farnsworth").

Admission to Sunday's show is $30, and tickets can be purchased online at

UPDATE: Here is some more info on the FRINGE appearance.
Note: If you are planning to attend, and would like to report for FringeTelevision, send me an email.


  1. The comic con site says they will appear on sat the 7th right? Am I reading it wrong?

  2. You might be... do you have a link to what you saw?

    Everything I have read says the FRINGE event is on Sunday, the 8th. See:


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