Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fringe Premiere Moved Back From August 26 to September 9, 2008

Fox has move the premiere of Fringe back 2 weeks to September 9, 2008. Still Tuesday. Still 8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT.


  1. oh man no kidding..I was looking forward to it.

  2. September is better for me anyway.

  3. well maybe..nothing any good is on Tv right now...did you check the blog on your page witht fringe posters ? things happening on nates' private blog.

  4. Hell's Kitchen and So You Think You Can Dance should sustain me for the summer.

    "did you check the blog on your page witht fringe posters?"??? Not sure what blog you're talking about. If you mean that Future on Fox has posted the updated schedule, yes, I saw.

    As for Nate, what can I say. I'm still on the fence which translates to not paying Holomove any mind unless/until it is irrefutably linked with Fringe (and I'm not alone in that I don't think).

  5. no not interested in either of those shows....well as for will certainly go some seems odd not many folks are clueing in to this ...what i meant was down the page on this blog there is a few new comments...under the posters...anon posted info on physics...which may or may not be connected to the leaf...holomov is physics based concepts...anyway it's fun. I hope you don't mind the posts..just trying to get the word out.

  6. @tallone: I don't mind at all. In fact, we'll need an resident expert if holomove is ever shown to be an ARG for Fringe. While I can't speak for anyone but myself, I know why I'm reluctant to buy into the connection. First, Ethan Haas had nothing to do with Cloverfield, and what a waste of time that ended up being. Second, time. I just don't have enough of it lying around to devote to speculative ventures. So, I'll be happy to play holomove just as soon as I know it's time well spent. Until then, I'm on the fence.

  7. ok...I'll keep looking around...I was tempted in to the cloverfield thing...but at the time I was so so into lost and electromagnetism...which didn't turn out to be much of a plot so know I was just thinking it could be along time before Fringe/hollomov is connected..didn't we wait a whole season (or two) before hanso was mentioned(i forget)?
    Much thanks...anyway I guess it's just fun...

  8. Well, having fun is what it's all about. If I could make one request, that you do let me know the second a connection is established. Otherwise, feel free to use all the tools here. In particular, the forum and it might be fun to start a wiki page where you can organize your findings.

  9. @edward will do ...when the fringe/hollomov thing is connected will pass it directly to you....I'm off and running....

  10. this came off the RSS feed this morning...will have to go back over it loaded with images
    erik anderson and so forth..

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. the images have to do with a brand of marketing called scientific anarchy...

  13. nathan bozeman has gone into hiding...friend jay is doing blog...

  14. nate surfaced this morning looking for help...said "they" have been chasing him for days.

  15. Tallone
    I was tryng to send a message to Tallone

    In response to your query, all the photos the leaf (in the center is a golden triangle), the apple (displays a golden spiral), and the hand are all related to the Fibonacci number series but in a rather camouflaged manner. Generally when one thinks of Fibonacci numbers one thinks of how rabbits breed assuming none of them die then you have the series; but, in math there are zillions of relationships that spring from this fundamental mathematical truth such as branching of trees, the golden spiral and the golden rectangle. The 3rd image of the hand is a bit of a mystery but if one notes a sequence of Fibonacci numbers is found on the right of the hand near the knuckles 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 (and pleas note that is a 6 fingered hand like mine in the bottom's possible the relationship of the knuckles correlates to the golden triangle or golden ratio 1:1.6?? just a guess .
    Sorry trying to finish my web site (already have 2,000 hours invested). Write me at If I can be of any more help.

    portaltoindia (at) YouTube

  16. @ stuart...will get on to it monday...thanks for your help..RK sent a message to jay and nate...something else to work one..

  17. what do you guys think of the message RK sent nate and jay today?...

  18. x2-x-1=0 correct golden ratio?

  19. Responce to Steve Colby's e-mail;

    I just am a curious guy and like a challenge. The key to the Fibønacci series is the number called Phi It's the ratio of 1 to 1.1680.

    The Fibonacci series is a continuous string of numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,... which is created by adding two numbers to get the next one.
    Now By dividing a Fibonacci number by the number before it over and over yoiu evels out to an ever going number which is about 1.618. Or the ratio. 1 : 1.618 is called the golden ratio. The number 1.618 is called phi after the Greek sculptor Phidias who used the golden ratio in his sculptures, and its special symbol is the Greek letter ø.

    Go to the below web to learm more
    All of the pictures shown have a direct link to ø., not to any buildings or any mysteries. What do they teach in High School math these days. I earned about ø when I learned about Pi.

    Ok got to get back to my life..see ya!

  20. stuart I'm still curious about how your hands became linked through you tube to fringe....there's lots to research in what you gave me....

  21. Holomov has issued an arrest warrant for Nathan's arrest..said he stole something from the company...

  22. nathan stole a laptop from Holomov

  23. Check out my 12 fingered man! Am I real or a viral promotion for the fringe: The answer in a Quantum world in which we all reside is both yes and no.
    I, and all of us can exist in any number of states at once! Once-YOU- decide which I an -YOU-collapse the wave probability field and I become one or the other

    Stuart AKA Master Quark


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